giving credit
Below is a selection of our favorite writers, speakers, leaders, gurus, business owners, moguls, and generally inspirational people. We are so grateful for those that have come before us. The ones that have paved the way, passed down their knowledge, and contributed to making this life and our world a better place. We have learned so much from so many people we will do our best to give credit where credit is due. This is an ever growing list.
If you have any suggestions for us, please email us. We are always open to new material and different perspectives.
We do not stand alone. Our greatness is built on the backs of giants
- Ernie C.
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The Mastery of Love
The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz / Author & Spiritual Leader
The Mastery of Love
Don Miguel Ruiz’s books are some of the most beautiful on the subject of love. They are an easy read and go as deep as it gets. He illuminates the fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships. Ruiz shows us how to heal our emotional wounds, recover the freedom and joy that are our birthright, and restore the spirit of playfulness that is vital to loving relationships. We always recommend The Mastery of Love as a great place to start. It’s one of our favorites.
Love Poems
Rumi / 13th Century Persian Poet
Rumi’s poetry is a treasure. His simple concise descriptions of life are so perfectly crafted that it is no wonder his poetry has been adored for 8 centuries. His musings on love are some of the most beloved of all time. It makes us wish we could read it in his native tongue to fully grasp his command of words. It’s worth a google search for Rumi quotes, poems on love, and if you have the heart, read the full Masnavi, his greatest work.
The Prophet
Kahlil Gibran / Lebanese-American Poet
The Prophet
Gibran’s The Prophet is hands-down our favorite writing about love. It is inclusive of every aspect of love, the ups, downs, and all arounds. This seminal piece, as a whole, is breathtaking. It’s worth reading every section. He takes you on a voyage through everything you might experience in a lifetime. And offers wise and philosophical insight to assist you on the journey.
Getting the Love You Want
Harville Hendrix / Author, Therapist
Getting the Love You Want
Harville and his wife Helen are an amazing resource for relationships. Their book “Getting the Love You Want” has been one of the best sellers in the category for over 30 years. The wisdom and experience they bring is unparalleled.
The Road Less Traveled
M. Scott Peck, M.D. / Psychologist & Author
The Road Less Traveled
A new psychology of love, traditional values and spiritual growth. Dr. Peck helps us explore the nature of loving relationships and how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become a more sensitive parent; and ultimately how to become one’s own true self. Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of understanding, he helps us in the painful process of change toward a higher level of self-understanding.
Awaken the Giant Within
Collection of articles
Tony Robbins / World Authority on Leadership Psychology
Awaken the Giant Within
You can’t mention self-help without the name Tony Robbins coming up. He has become one of the world authorities on self-empowerment and is always finding new ways to give. For over 30 years he has made it his mission to make the world a better place, and his dedication to giving back is unparalleled. He’s a true inspiration. If you are searching for an answer to an issue related to money, fulfillment, motivation or other life related issues, the sitemap on his website is a goldmine.
Live Your Dreams
Les Brown / Author & Motivational Speaker
Live Your Dreams
Les Brown is full of life, love, and warm funny stories that pull you right into his world. He started from the bottom. His story is the classic rags-to-riches journey that took him from a poor neighborhood in southern Florida, to traveling around the world, speaking to tens of thousands of people at a time. His timeless work has touched everyone who has heard it. If you enjoy a warm friendly personality, a down-home charm, and quote-worthy speeches, Les is perfect.
Impact Theory
How to Find Your Purpose
Tom Bilyeu / Host & Motivational Speaker
Impact Theory
Tom’s show Impact Theory is one of our favorite YouTube channels out there. Not only does he deliver top-notch inspirational speeches, but his guest interviews are the Oprah of self-empowerment. We love that he doesn’t have to do the work he is doing. He is plenty successful to do whatever he wants and never work again. But he chooses to devote his time and energy for the greater good. And that is a beautiful thing.
science of life
Willpower Doesn’t Work
Benjamin P. Hardy / Author & Speaker
Willpower Doesn’t Work
A relatively new face on the scene, Ben quickly rose to the top ten most read self-help writers on His articles are packed to the brim with concise weighty information that cuts to the core of any issue. If you are struggling with motivation issues or considering how to make a radical change in your life, check out Willpower Doesn’t Work. His perspectives on forging ahead are straightforward, well-researched, and simply priceless.
Brene Brown / Author & Speaker
The Gifts of Imperfection
Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston. She has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy and is the author of four #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, and Braving the Wilderness.
Brené's TED talk - The Power of Vulnerability - is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world with over 35 million views.
She is another author who packs her work with research and statistics. This makes you feel comfortable she is giving you the facts. Her warmth and caring personality are a nice balance to the scientific nature of her work.
Mel Robbins / Author & Speaker
The 5 Second Rule
Mel Robbins is an acquired taste. But her book The 5 Second Rule is a brilliant discovery of a method that works. There’s no magic or mantras or complicated philosophy to follow. She backs up her rule with thorough research and scientific data supporting why and how it works. Though we don’t necessarily love the way the message is delivered, the message has served us well day in and day out. She nailed the five second rule and she’s definitely worth checking out.
Alan Watts / Author & Philosopher
The Wisdom in Insecurity
Alan Watts is one of our favorite Western philosophers. His mastery of the english language mixed with his deep understanding of Eastern wisdom makes for a perfect vehicle to enlightenment. His talks on spirituality are deep and vast, as well as light-hearted and jovial. You get the feeling that he’d be a great friend to invite over to dinner and dive deep into matters of the universe. People have even put his talks over music on YouTube. It’s great.
Be Here now
Here We All Are
Ram Dass / Author & Philosopher
Be Here Now
Ram Dass is one cool cat. He kicked around with Timothy Leary back in the 60’s and 70’s and went on some wild adventures around the world in search of enlightenment. He has lived a full and wonderful spiritual life. His lectures are very engaging and keep you on the edge of your seat. His stories are fantastic and they are intertwined with spiritual lessons and morals that are deep and well thought. He is a rare mix of academic (Standford & Harvard) and spiritual. He blends those two worlds perfectly. We highly recommend his YouTube video “Here We All Are.” It’s one of our favorites.
Sadhguru / Guru & Author
Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy
Sadhguru’s handle on life and it’s intricacies is utterly astounding. His simple and concise answers are proof that his knowledge and wisdom are deep and well thought out. He cuts through the riffraff and gets straight to the point. He often uses humor to disarm his audience, remind us all that we are human, and when are hearts are their most open, he plants seeds of truth that grow into a wonderful garden of gratitude and appreciation for the joy and connection that his perspective has brought. Truly, one of our favorites of our time.
Eckhart Tolle / Author & Speaker
The Power of Now
This was the book that, in my 20’s, pushed me deep into the path of self-awareness. It was the first time in my life that I had slowed down enough to take in what was going on in the moment. It was the first time I had, consciously, thought about the possibility that I was something or someone greater than the thinking mind that I had become attached to. This book continues to mean new and wonderful things to me as I acquire more life experience and understand the full scope of what Eckhart is speaking about. It is a perennial favorite in our spiritual library.
Living The Wisdom of the Tao
5 Lessons to Live By
Dr Wayne Dyer / Author & Speaker
The Wisdom of the Tao
Dr Wayne Dyer has a very easy-going and simple approach to life. From early childhood, in spite of difficult circumstances, he has always been able to manifest abundance and stay naturally inclined towards a positive attitude. He wrote many books during his life, including his most popular Your Erroneous Zones (which is one of the best selling books of all time), The Power of Intention, and Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life. But our favorite book of his is The Wisdom of The Tao. His translation is very simple and easy to understand, yet still remaining poetic. We also recommend his meditations and affirmations before bed. He is a great source for daily inspiration.
Mating in Captivity
Esther Perel / Author & Speaker
Mating in Captivity
She provides a new take on intimacy and sex, explores the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. And if you happen to catch her Ted Talk, it’s highly entertaining as well. She has become the leading authority on all things sex in our western culture.
Mantak Chia / Author & Qigong Master
The Multi-Orgasmic Man
Mantak Chia is a Taoist master and has been named one of the world’s leading influencers. He uses ancient Taoist teachings and techniques as a way to heal the mind, body, spirit, and sexual experience. Through his books The Multi-Orgasmic Man, The Multi-Orgasmic Woman, and The Multi-Orgasmic Couple, he provides a way to use natural sexual energy, channel it, increase it’s potency, and achieve elevated states of sensual pleasure. However, this is only the 2nd level of his 9-level teaching. It’s a great place to start, right?
She Comes First
Ian Kerner / Author & Therapist
She Comes First
Ian’s take on sex and relationships takes a much more clinical approach. He provides straightforward facts, research-backed data, and a nice neutral opinion of his take on the situation. If you are the type who loves a scientific approach and trusts that methodology, he is your man. His work in this area has earned him the title as one of the leading authorities on the subject. You can catch him featured on Dr. Oz, NPR, New York Times, and more. We like him as a balance to all of the new-age stuff that’s out there. Even though, often, they are saying the same thing - it’s nice to have a little research to back it up.
Losing My Virginity
The Virgin Records Story
Richard Branson / Author & Mogul
Losing My Virginity
Richard Branson has become a bit of a playboy in the business world. He has always done things his own way and it seems to have paid off. His unusual business style, charm, and charitable nature have put him at the forefront of ethical business. Today, he uses his time to give back to people in need - addressing issues of homelessness, poverty, and violence. And constantly leveraging his successful businesses to fuel positive change and evolution - tackling crises like renewable energy and climate change.
Warren Buffett / Magnate & Philanthropist
Documentary: Becoming Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett has amassed the kind of wealth that few people (or businesses) will ever know - and then he gave away almost a third of it. He still lives in the same house that he bought in 1958 in Omaha, Nebraska. He keeps his life simple and his biggest priority is time. He says "It's the only thing you can't buy. I mean, I can buy anything I want, basically, but I can't buy time.” He also plans to give away 99% of his wealth. He has donated over 30 billion dollars thus far and doesn’t plan on stopping now. His generous donations to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has helped eradicate global diseases, brought healthcare and education to impoverished countries, and evolved global sustainable farming. All from his modest life in middle America.